983 resultados para Psicologia política


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From a brief description of four different epistemological perspectives on human rights this article seeks to highlight the importance of critically discuss the history and the contradictions between these perspectives and the field of psychology both as science and professional practice. It is noteworthy that an ethical psychologist’s practice depends on a critical attitude towards science and human rights in its various interfaces.


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A pesquisa se debruça sobre o ideário dos anos 60 e 70, investigando como este repercutiu e se manifestou no contexto brasileiro, sobretudo em um determinado nicho do campo psi muito influenciado pelas idéias libertárias e antiautoritárias que reverberaram no período. Para tanto, tomei como objeto de pesquisa a revista de psicologia Rádice, publicação alternativa escrita, majoritariamente, por psicólogos recém-formados, estudantes de psicologia e jornalistas, que circulou entre 1976 e 1981. Entre outros assuntos, Rádice abordou temas relativos à loucura, sexualidade, psicanálise, relações familiares e ecologia. Através da análise deste objeto, interessa-me compreender melhor como a psicologia brasileira se politiza nos anos 70, assumindo uma postura ativista, militando em torno de diversas causas, como a oposição à ditadura militar, a luta antimanicomial e a discussão em torno da desrepressão sexual e liberação dos costumes. Ao mesmo tempo, o processo de transformação individual passa a ser concebido como o único caminho para a transformação da sociedade, fazendo com que a subjetividade se torne um espaço político. Pretendo investigar, portanto, um momento de encontro entre política, subjetividade e corpo, e o surgimento de uma nova prática política que se distancia das grandes questões e da doutrina revolucionária marxista, preocupando-se com o cotidiano, questionando hábitos, comportamentos e formas de relação social.


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The Psychology University Services is stablished normatively as an indispensable equipment to the recognition of the graduation courses of psychologists by the Brazilian Education Ministery. The Public Healthcare Policies (Universal Health System/SUS) constitutes itself as a input field of the professional category, but shows huge challenges in the formation of these professionals. The objective of this work is to analyse the functioning of the Psychology University Services (SEP) and the Superior Educational Institutions from Natal, understood as important formation devices to attend the actual demands of the psychologist's work on SUS. For this, it sought a) characterize the psychological practices developed in the SEP; b) relate the National Curricular Lines of Direction of the psychology courses to the skills and competences developed in the SEP to the performance on the public healthcare policies; c) mapping ways of including the SEP in the network designed by the healthcare policy. Interviews were performed with 13 academic supervisors, 8 field supervisors and technicians of superior level (TNC), along with 9 managers, being for of the Psychology University Services and 5 of the graduation programs. Questionnaires were also applied to 57 interns and 24 graduates. Besides that, two conversation circles were performed with the faculty and technician members from two of the Educational Institutions that were participating of the research, as well as a workshop with students and psychologists, promoted by the CRP 17. We observed that most part of the faculty members and managers know the DCN and comprehend that the formation is in process of change in what concerns to the extension of the formation to the performance of the psychologists in various contexts. However, most part of the TNC don't know about them. Moreover, the results point to the predominance of the assisting model based on the traditional clinic psychology, although the articulation with the public healthcare and social assistance networks can already be timidly visualized. Different modalities of practices in theses Psychology University Services were also detected, such as conversation groups, thematic workshops, organizational consultancies, team meetings with the interns and TNS in a daily basis, matriciament in mental health, therapeutic monitoring, among others. Yet, the SEP in Rio Grande do Norte are still isolated from the other courses that perform in the healthcare area and also from the services that compose the public healthcare and public policies.


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Este libro es una recopilación de diversos ensayos de su autor y, aunque en la contraportada se sugiere que hay un hilo conductor, una simple ojeada al índice ofrece una estructura bien extraña, carente de un capítulo final con reflexiones que globalicen, sinteticen o resuman lo expuesto, que lleven al lector a algún tipo de conclusión


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The violence is a phenomenon to be faced by several public actions and requires a formal notification system that preserves the victim of suffering from public exposure. This article discusses, in the specificity of Psychology action at the Court of the State of Sao Paulo, the importance of public policy in confronting sexual violence and the assistance of the victims. The main objective of this article is to provide a review of the relationship between the Judiciary and the Public Policy, focusing on networking and the unnecessary judicialization of actions that should be developed in another environment. The way the fact is treated in the family and the society will determine the victims' reactions and their readiness to talk about it, both in the police investigation, as in the judicial lawsuit, or yet, in specific assistance programs.


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This article discusses the need to deepen Psychology criticism as a science, unveiling its ideological commitment to the demands posed by the capitalism development and, at the same time, develop the critical thinking in Psychology. Taking the dialectical historical materialism as a basis, the main elements which should be contemplated by the critical thinking are presented: the dialectical reflection; the knowledge criticism; the denounce of degradation, alienation and human heteronomy in the conditions posed by capitalism and the possibility of being used as an instrument in the social transformation process. The incorporation of these elements can guide the constitution process of psychological knowledge which will be able to provide more satisfactory answers to questions concerning the dialectical relationship between individuals and society and the possibilities of human emancipation in nowadays society.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar el papel que han jugado las organizaciones de izquierda en las recientes movilizaciones agrarias. Para esto, se evaluará la relación entre el Polo Democrático Alternativo y el paro de los corteros de caña del 2008 y las movilizaciones lecheras en contra de los decretos que prohibían la comercialización de leche en cantina. El trabajo aborda un estudio histórico desde mitad del siglo XX que pretende evidenciar la relación gremio-gobierno y su, posterior, decaimiento; a su vez, la táctica que han empleado las organizaciones de izquierda para permear mayores sectores agrarios y, en especial, el mecanismo adoptado en la última década por el Polo Democrático Alternativo.


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Este trabalho analisa a concepção de cultura em Vigotski, procurando responder qual a ideia de cultura presente na obra desse autor para, a partir dela, destacar a importância do ensino escolar no desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. A influência da cultura sobre o desenvolvimento psicológico era estudada por esse autor a partir da análise do processo de emprego de signos como meios auxiliares das funções psíquicas, transformando-as de funções espontâneas em funções voluntárias. As funções psíquicas mediadas pelo uso dos signos existentes na cultura eram consideradas como funções superiores por Vigotski, sendo assim, imprescindíveis para o desenvolvimento do homem. A cultura para este autor é produto das leis históricas determinadas pelas condições concretas da existência humana e, assim sendo, o homem nessa perspectiva produz cultura, mas também é fruto das relações sociais, que são internalizadas por ele e que se expressam na forma de funções psíquicas.


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Demographic census from the last decades of the twentieth century began to reveal a tendency concerning the increasing average age of the population. The Brazilian government began introducing ways to manage the effects and consequences of this trend, the most recent being the creation of the "Fundos do Idoso" (Funds for seniors) in the Federal, state and municipal spheres. That law allows transferring federal taxes from common citizens and companies to the funds. This article is specifically written as a critical examination of this governmental initiative towards the problem of an ageing population from the point of view as to how the law has been implemented. With the creation of the funds there will be the enlargement and improvement of services destined for seniors. However, the law mentioned above does not predict an active participation of the seniors in the management of this funds and policies that will come as result.


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The involvement of adolescents as workers in the trafficking of illicit drugs has increased in recent decades in Brazil, and perhaps the world, making them also victims and perpetrators of violent acts related to this activity. Given the above, we conducted research – that now present some results in this article – on such subjects. Basically, we pretend to understand if they had, throughout its history, references to the authority that contributed to its entry in that class. The teens were chosen social stratum of low income and working on trafficking. We conducted interviews / conversations with these individuals and analyzed according to the perspective of psychoanalysis extramural. We conclude that, for them, such activity is a possible route in our society, to gain social recognition and feeling of belonging to the adult world and the society of consumers.


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In separating the phenomena of their social, human, and ecological contexts, and by not taking into account intentional and valorative categories, natural-scientific methodologies impede the comprehension of some human activities which include values, chiefly ethical and political. In this context, scientism is the dogmatic and non-thematized acceptance of natural-scientific methods. From this point on, in the context of psychology, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how scientism can function as an epistemological and methodological obstacle to an ethical and political understanding of psychology. Thus, at first, through reflections based on problems encountered in the literature on the subject, scientism's dogmas and some counterpoints are presented; some of its consequences are addressed, by taking up two examples from current literature - the labeling and the racial interpretations, and, finally, a program of research which deals with these problems is presented as an alternative: critical psychology.